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Cow craft

Paper cow craft for kids

A super sweet cow craft that’s a perfect fit for any farm or barnyard theme. Simple to prep, and tons of fun for little ones.

So, when we started to put together our bundle of farm-themed crafts (what we call ‘The Barnyard Bundle’), this cow craft was the first contender. Because really, you can’t do a collection of barnyard crafts without including a cow!

This sweet cow craft is nice and easy to make thanks to a ready made printable template. It’s really just a case of print, colour, cut and glue.

And even more important for us adults is that it’s also easy to prep and you really don’t need a bunch of supplies to make it (really – just grab the colouring supplies, glue and scissors and you’re off.)

Sounds like a win, right?!

So without further ado, let me walk you through how to make this cool cow craft.

What you will need

  • scissors
  • glue
  • colouring supplies
  • sticky foam square x 2 (optional)

How to make your cow craft, step by step

Step 1

Begin by printing off the cow printable.

If you can, print the cow template onto thin card stock rather than paper. This is a particularly good idea if your child is going to paint the cow craft (it stops the paper going all wrinkly).

Cow printable template on table top

Step 2

Next, the cow needs some colour.

Use whatever type of colouring supplies your child likes best. Paint would work fine, as would crayons, markers or colouring pencils.

Printable cow template (coloured in)

As you can see, when I made my cow craft, I went for a brown and white cow.

My youngest, who was making one along with me, went all-out for a crazy bright cow of many rainbow colours. It looked pretty awesome. I admired her bold choices.

Step 3

Next, it’s time to cut out.

Carefully cut out each of the four parts of the cow.

Young children may need some help with the cutting.

cow craft components - cut out

Step 4

Now it comes to assembling the cow.

Start by gluing the grass to the bottom of the blue sky background so that the bottom edges of both pieces align.

Grass glued onto blue sky background

Step 5

Next glue the cow’s body onto the background, making sure the cow’s feet are in the grass.

cow body glued onto background

Step 6

Finally, you’ll need to attach the cow’s head.

You can do this with glue, or you could also use a couple of sticky foam squares. Using the foam squares means that the cow’s head sits a little away from the body, which gives it a cool 3D look.

completed cow craft - brown and white cow standing in grass

And your cow craft is complete!

This cow craft is one of six crafts included in the Barnyard Bundle which is available in our Etsy store.

One of the great things about the Barnyard Bundle is that all the crafts included in the craft pack are super low prep. Just print the template and your child can get creating right away.

In addition to the cow, the bundle also contains a rooster craft, a muddy pig craft, some jumping sheep, an adorable sheep dog as well as a ‘build a barn’ craft activity.

Barnyard craft bundle for kids - sheep, cow, rooster, barn, pig and sheepdog paper crafts

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cow craft for kids

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