Paper Plate Flower Bouquet

A beautiful flower bouquet made from a paper plate and tissue paper circles.
So today I have for you a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
The good news about this particular bunch of flowers? It doesn’t come from a florist so won’t cost you a small fortune.
That’s right, this bright and beautiful flower bouquet is made from a paper plate, card stock and lots and lots of tissue paper.
It’s perfect for children to make for a special occasion, be it Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day or a spring or summer birthday. They can even add a special message to the front of the bouquet for a personal touch.
There are lots of different parts to this craft and lots of skills to be practised too. I hope your child (or students) enjoys making it.
What you will need
- 1 x paper plate
- approximately 30 tissue paper circles
- 1 x green card stock or paper
- 1 x construction paper
- green paint and paintbrush
- black marker
- 10 x glue dots
- tape
- glue stick
How to make a paper plate flower bouquet, step by step
Step 1
Start by painting your paper plate green.
We used acrylic paint as we find that it covers really well and you usually only need one coat. (Of course, make sure paint is child-friendly and non toxic!).
Once your paint is dry, make some small holes in the plate using a pencil. Depending on the age of your child you may want to do this part for your child. For young children, have the holes pre-made before painting.

The bottom of the plate will be covered by the paper wrapping, so concentrate most of your holes on the top half of the plate (you can always add more holes later if you need).
Step 2
Next it’s time to make the tissue paper flowers for the bouquet.
We used a pack of tissue paper circles, but if you don’t have these you can cut out circles from sheets of tissue paper, ready for your child/students to use.
Choose two tissue paper circles to make your first flower.
The two circles can be the same colour or two different colours for a nice two-tone effect.

Place the circles on top of each other. Then fold the circles in half, then in half again, and then in half again (so folding in half three times) until they look like this:

Poke the pointed end of the folded tissue paper circles through one of the holes in the paper plate.

Turn the plate over and fold the point over at the back. (You can put a bit of tape at the back to keep it in place if you like).

Next, separate the layers of tissue paper and arrange them to make the flower look full and flowery!

Step 3
Repeat with lots more flowers until your paper plate looks a bit more like a bouquet.

Step 4
After all the flowers have been added there will still be some gaps where you can see the green plate.
To fill these gaps and add a bit more interest, let’s add some leaves.
Cut around 10 leaves from green card stock.

Next, add a bit of detail to the leaves with a black marker.

Use glue dots (a super helpful craft supply) to attach the leaves to the paper plate.

Put a glue dot on one end of the leaf and then press firmly onto the paper plate.

Step 5
Next take the piece of construction paper. Make two folds to create the paper wrapping for the bottom of the bouquet.

Use a glue stick to glue down the edge on the right hand side.
(Don’t glue the top of the paper wrapping as this needs to be open so that you can put the paper plate inside.)

Step 6
Next slide the paper plate into the open top of the folded construction paper.

Turn the bouquet over and put tape along the back where the construction paper meets the paper plate.
Step 7
Lastly, if your child would like, they can add a paper label to the flower bouquet. This can be the name of the person who will receive the flower bouquet craft, or it could be a more general greeting such as ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ or ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’.

And with that, your paper plate flower bouquet is finished.

If your child liked this paper plate flower bouquet, we have lots of other paper plate crafts to try. Why not try our paper plate curled-up cat, our paper plate coconut tree, our paper plate moose or our paper plate lion? For little ones, why not start with our super simple paper plate ladybug.
Want to pin this flower bouquet to make with your kids at a later date? Why not pin it?